Some things we noticed this month. What did you see?
Prophet updated to 4.14 (free upgrade for 3.93 or later. Quite a few fixes and new features for submitting digital tax returns. Details on website.
R-Comp have a new ROM for PineBook Pro (adds sound support!) and a new ClockSave application to ensure your RISC OS machine always displays a sensible time/date.
Amcog releases TIMERUN on Plingstore for 9.99 pounds.
RISCOSbits releases 4 of RISCOS FAST ROM updates code to latest RISC OS version for FAST users.
Updates to DigitalCD and DiskSample add support for ALAC and APE lossless audio formats.
RISC OS Developments updated their TCP/IP stack to 7.04
TIB had an advent calendar with lots of interesting screenshots which you can revisit here.
Updated version of Git client sent to beta testers
WROCC 41.8, 41.9 sent to club members.
Archive 26.6 published