This month's edition is another 34 pages, and if your PDF viewer supports bookmarks, you can navigate around using these.
To celebrate 40 years since the release of the BBC, there is some BBC content. The editor hopes to have more in future issues. Like Archive, Drag'n'Drop relies on articles from its contributors.
The news section covers all the latest releases up to the London Show (with clickable links) and also announces that there will be a price increase in February 2022 (first one I can remember).
There is lots of technical content in this edition, including an article on assembling code on disc (both RISC OS and BBC), a BBC BASIC meteor storm game, using Ghostscript to post-process files, an Sound Envelope Editor (which is also one of the programs in the new Applications Tutorial programming book), and a tutorial on setting up and using SoundCon32.
The series on Schema has reached Part 7 and covers Graphics Macros.
Finally the Argon Case for the RaspberryPi 4 gets a thorough review.
There is lots in this edition to keep you entertained and busy during these long winter nights. And congratulations to Darg'N'Drop on reaching Volume 11 and still going strong.
You can also buy a USB with all the previous back issues (that's 43 issues!). This comes with a nice browser front end and and you also get any flyers and the code listings.
Drag'n'Drop website